Pre­sen­ta­tion attributes

What is your pre­sen­ta­tion like?

This is a col­lec­tion of attrib­utes you may ascribe to your pre­sen­ta­tion to better make future design deci­sions. Select up to three attrib­utes and write them down by pri­ority. These are your light­house when you have lost ori­en­ta­tion during your design process.

amusing, dif­ferent, graceful, attrac­tive, breath­taking, uplifting, striking, expres­sive, unusual, authentic, sig­nif­i­cant, influ­encing, inspiring, cool, dis­creet, dynamic, noble, effec­tive, simple, engaging, unique, ele­gant, emo­tional, ener­getic, refreshing, serious, exciting, mul­ti­fac­eted, fac­tual, imag­i­na­tive, fas­ci­nating, cap­ti­vating, flex­ible, brisk, pro­gres­sive, mys­te­rious, witty, straight­for­ward, shrewd, gigantic, favourable, chal­lenging, high-quality, humorous, imposing, infor­ma­tive, con­tent-rich, inno­v­a­tive, inter­ac­tive, gaudy, con­ven­tional, cre­ative, artistic, curious, loud, casual, instruc­tive, pow­erful, funny, lux­u­rious, striking, coura­geous, sus­tain­able, smart, poetic, prac­ti­cable, splendid, room-filling, risky, calm, inde­pen­dent, serious, simple, scan­dalous, exciting, playful, tra­di­tional, sur­prising, clear, con­vincing, playful, ver­sa­tile, change­able, appre­cia­tive, timeless

Are you asking your­self how a attrib­utes pre­sen­ta­tion looks like?