Pri­vacy Policy

Data Pro­tec­tion Officer

What a lovely title, and I, Robin Stegt, am the proud owner of it. For every­thing per­sonal data related, I am your man. If you want to reach out to me, please use one of the fol­lowing paths of communication:

Robin Stegt
Johan­nisstr. 19
48308 Senden

What is being collected?

Not much, to be honest. No evil Google Ana­lytics tracking every step you make on this web­site or any other filthy mar­keting voodoo. I only col­lect what you or your browser is pro­viding me with and what my provider requires to run this site. Besides log­files (server-side log­ging of ip addresses) that are required for secu­rity rea­sons, I only get what you give vol­un­tarily (con­tact form & newsletter sub­scrip­tion) & invol­un­tarily (cookies).

How is it being used?

When you pro­vide me with your per­sonal infor­ma­tion via the con­tact forms, this infor­ma­tion is solely being used during and explic­itly for the con­tact period. When we both take sep­a­rate ways again, I will delete all of your per­sonal data on my end. It will be as if you have never existed.

What about Cookies?

Alright, now you got me! True, this web­site is undoubt­edly using some cookies. Cookies, do not ask me why it is being called that way, are small sticky notes that your browser cre­ates for you. With these sticky notes, the browser remem­bers spe­cific set­tings from your pre­vious visit. Remember this annoying cookie notice from your first visit? When you hit accept or decline, the browser cre­ates a cookie, storing your deci­sion, so it does not present it to you on every visit. This func­tion, like every­thing, can be used for good and evil. I am an angel and would never do you harm 🙂

In addi­tion to the gen­eral cookie storing that you read the cookie notice, a cookie is used to save the cur­rent browser lan­guage. This way, I can make sure that the web­site presents you the con­tent in a lan­guage you are used to.

The con­tact form plugin called Quform also stores a cookie with your cur­rent ses­sion ID. This cookie is nec­es­sary for secu­rity rea­sons and a proper func­tioning of the plugin according to the offi­cial Quform web­site. No per­sonal data is being stored.


Con­tact forms

I think it goes without saying that a con­tact form’s pur­pose is con­tacting another person. Ups, now I have said it nonethe­less. And to have a civ­i­lized inter­ac­tion between two human beings, it would be helpful to know some­thing about the other person. This is why the con­tact forms on PRE­SEN­TAILOR ask for some of your per­sonal infor­ma­tion. There is obvi­ously tech­nical infor­ma­tion I need, like your email address, to allow two-way com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The other infor­ma­tion, like your name, title, com­pany etc., is nec­es­sary for me to com­mu­ni­cate with you in a respectful manner. You are always wel­come to avoid using the con­tact form and just email me at But a con­tact form usu­ally is a more effi­cient way to start a busi­ness rela­tion­ship, since I have all the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion at my disposal.

Your data is stored in my data­base. I will, like every­thing else, keep it until our time together comes to an end, and we part. If you insist on having your data removed from my data­base at a dif­ferent point in time, just email me at, and I will make sure that not even an atom of you is left as a trace.


When you are kind enough to add your­self to my mailing list, your email address is being trans­mitted to the send­in­blue data­base. There it will sleep among many other beau­tiful email addresses and is waiting for the dawn of the next newsletter. This golden piece of per­sonal infor­ma­tion is only being used in con­junc­tion with the dis­tri­b­u­tion of newslet­ters. Please read send­in­blue’s pri­vacy policy for fur­ther information.

If you do not want to receive any more news from PRE­SEN­TAILOR, you can easily unsub­scribe via the equally named button at the end of every newsletter. If you want your email address com­pletely removed from the data­base, please get in touch with me via

Embedded YouTube Videos

Our web­site includes embedded YouTube videos, which are hosted and pro­vided by YouTube LLC, a sub­sidiary of Google LLC. These embedded videos use iframes, and by inter­acting with the embedded con­tent, you may be sharing infor­ma­tion with YouTube.

When you view or interact with an embedded YouTube video, YouTube may col­lect infor­ma­tion about your inter­ac­tion, such as which video you watched, how long you watched it, and whether you clicked on any links. YouTube may also col­lect tech­nical data, including your IP address, browser type, oper­ating system, and other device-related infor­ma­tion. YouTube uses cookies and other tracking tech­nolo­gies to col­lect this data.

The data col­lected by YouTube is processed and stored in accor­dance with Google’s pri­vacy policy, which you can review here:

Please note that by viewing or inter­acting with the embedded YouTube videos on our web­site, you are agreeing to Google’s pri­vacy policy and terms of use. We encourage you to review Google’s pri­vacy policy to under­stand their data prac­tices and your rights regarding the infor­ma­tion they collect.

If you have any ques­tions or con­cerns about our use of embedded YouTube videos, please con­tact us at

Embedded Prezi Presentations

Our web­site includes embedded Prezi pre­sen­ta­tions, which are hosted and pro­vided by Prezi Inc. These embedded pre­sen­ta­tions use iframes, and by inter­acting with the embedded con­tent, you may be sharing infor­ma­tion with Prezi.

Prezi may col­lect infor­ma­tion about your inter­ac­tion with the embedded pre­sen­ta­tions, such as how long you viewed the con­tent, which slides you vis­ited, and whether you clicked on any links. Prezi may also col­lect tech­nical data, including your IP address, browser type, oper­ating system, and other device-related infor­ma­tion. Prezi may use cookies and other tracking tech­nolo­gies to col­lect this data.

The data col­lected by Prezi is processed and stored in accor­dance with their pri­vacy policy, which you can review here:

Please note that by viewing or inter­acting with the embedded Prezi pre­sen­ta­tions on our web­site, you are agreeing to Prezi’s pri­vacy policy and terms of use. We encourage you to review Prezi’s pri­vacy policy to under­stand their data prac­tices and your rights regarding the infor­ma­tion they collect.

If you have any ques­tions or con­cerns about our use of embedded Prezi pre­sen­ta­tions, please con­tact us at

Your rights

To make it short: all power to you! If you want me to erad­i­cate any of your per­sonal infor­ma­tion once pro­vided to me, email me at, and I will get rid of it – dig­i­tally as well as erasing it from my organic tissue memory.

There is just one minor excep­tion: when this infor­ma­tion is required for any legal mat­ters, I will have to keep it until these are set­tled. For more infor­ma­tion on your rights according to the GDPR, please visit:‑3/