The Prezi FAQ

Every­thing you need to know about Prezi. In one place.

Whether you’re a sea­soned pro or new to the game, Prezi offers a unique approach to pre­sen­ta­tions. Check out our Prezi FAQ to learn every­thing from its key dif­fer­ences from other soft­ware to how to col­lab­o­rate with others on your pre­sen­ta­tions. Get ready to ele­vate your pre­sen­ta­tions to the next level!

I have been working as a Prezi expert for over seven years. I help com­pa­nies under­stand Prezi and how it can help their busi­ness grow. There have been many ques­tions, and the Prezi FAQ is the answer to all.

Prezi Sup­port

For all eng­lish speaking users the offi­cial Prezi con­tact page is the way to go. Click here to get to the offi­cial Prezi support.

Feel free to con­tact PRE­SEN­TAILOR for Prezi sup­port in Eng­lish and German. But please check out the FAQ below prior to con­tacting or visit the Prezi Con­sulting.

+49 15678 181 088


Before buying Prezi

Get all the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion to make a qual­i­fied deci­sion whether investing time and money in Prezi is worth it.

After buying Prezi

Here you will find the most asked ques­tions from Prezi users when they already decided to work with Prezi.

Advanced Prezi Knowledge

Prezi Pro? Do you have answers to these ques­tions? Let’s put your knowl­edge to the test!

Prezi in general

This sec­tion is for all who have heard about Prezi and want to inform them­selves before buying Prezi and putting resources into acquiring a new skill.

What is Prezi?

Prezi is a cloud-based pre­sen­ta­tion soft­ware that allows users to create dynamic and engaging pre­sen­ta­tions in an inno­v­a­tive way. It pro­vides users with a visual canvas to present their ideas, rather than simply relying on typ­ical slide-based pre­sen­ta­tions, which can often be dull and tedious. Prezi is an intu­itive tool, allowing users to create cus­tomized, inter­ac­tive pre­sen­ta­tions that are sure to cap­ture the atten­tion of their audi­ence. With its wide array of fea­tures, such as the ability to add images, videos, and audio, Prezi is a pow­erful tool for anyone looking to make a lasting impression.

Check out the offi­cial Prezi web­site!

Prezi Present, Prezi Classic and Prezi Next? What is the difference?

Since its start in 2009, the Prezi soft­ware has evolved sig­nif­i­cantly. In 2017, the pre­sen­ta­tion tool under­went a major over­haul, replacing its Flash-based code back­bone with JavaScript and HTML 5, resulting in smoother per­for­mance and a new way to struc­ture a Prezi. The old single work­space was replaced by mul­tiple layers of giant work­spaces, and the old ver­sion was renamed Prezi Classic. Over the coming years, Prezi suc­cess­fully tran­si­tioned from Prezi Classic to Prezi Next.

In addi­tion to the pre­sen­ta­tion appli­ca­tion, Prezi Next, the com­pany behind Prezi released a graphic design tool called Prezi Design and Prezi Video, an appli­ca­tion that allowed users to turn their Prezi pre­sen­ta­tion into a video and com­bine it with web con­fer­ences. Around this time, Prezi renamed their pre­sen­ta­tion app for the third time, changing Prezi Next to Prezi Present.

In sum­mary, Prezi Classic, Prezi Next and Prezi Present are essen­tially the same appli­ca­tion with dif­ferent versions.

Is Prezi free to use?

Prezi offers both free and paid plans, which pro­vide users with varying levels of fea­tures and storage. The free plan is great for those who are just starting out, but offers lim­ited fea­tures and storage space. The paid plans, on the other hand, pro­vide users with more advanced fea­tures, such as custom branding, increased storage space, and more. Addi­tion­ally, the paid plans offer access to our cus­tomer sup­port team, so you can get answers to any ques­tions you may have.

Ulti­mately, the choice between the free and paid plans is up to you and depends on your spe­cific needs. See all avail­able sub­scrip­tion tiers over at Prezi pricing.

How does Prezi differ from other pre­sen­ta­tion software?

Prezi stands out from other pre­sen­ta­tion soft­ware due to its unique approach of using a visual canvas instead of slides. This is ben­e­fi­cial for cre­ating more engaging and inter­ac­tive pre­sen­ta­tions with the use of its dynamic zoom and pan fea­tures. It also pro­vides a whole new level of engage­ment for viewers, as they can explore the canvas and uncover dif­ferent aspects of the pre­sen­ta­tion, as opposed to being lim­ited to the slides being shown by the pre­senter. This gives viewers more autonomy and con­trol over their expe­ri­ence, and allows for a more inter­ac­tive and cre­ative presentation.

Can I share my Prezi pre­sen­ta­tion with others?

Yes, you can share your Prezi pre­sen­ta­tion with others by using the share func­tion. You can invite people to view your pre­sen­ta­tion by sharing a link or sending an email, or you can share it with a large audi­ence by copying an embed code and pasting it into your website.

Pre­senting your Prezi live is another great way to share your pre­sen­ta­tion with a larger audi­ence. You can also export your pre­sen­ta­tion as a video, which is a great way to reach a wider audi­ence, as it can be shared over social media and other platforms.

With the embed option, you can easily embed your Prezi into any web­site, making your work more acces­sible and increasing your visibility.

Does Prezi have any lim­i­ta­tions com­pared to other pre­sen­ta­tion software?

Prezi has some lim­i­ta­tions com­pared to other pre­sen­ta­tion soft­ware, such as its reliance on an internet con­nec­tion, which may not always be avail­able or stable, and the fact that it’s not as widely used as other pre­sen­ta­tion soft­ware, which may make it harder to find help or tuto­rials. How­ever, its dynamic zoom and pan fea­tures, which allow you to quickly switch between dif­ferent sec­tions of your pre­sen­ta­tion and its visual canvas approach, which pro­vides an intu­itive way to orga­nize and struc­ture your pre­sen­ta­tion, can make it a more engaging and cre­ative tool for pre­sen­ta­tions, allowing you to make a more mem­o­rable and impactful presentation.

Can I use Prezi on mobile devices?

Yes, Prezi has a mobile app avail­able that makes it easy to access your pre­sen­ta­tions on the go. The app is avail­able for both iOS and Android devices, allowing you to take your pre­sen­ta­tions with you wher­ever you go. With the Prezi mobile app, you can easily create and edit your pre­sen­ta­tions, no matter where you are. Plus, you can share your pre­sen­ta­tion with others and view audi­ence ana­lytics, all from the con­ve­nience of your smart­phone or tablet. With the Prezi mobile app, you can make sure your pre­sen­ta­tions are always ready to impress.

Does Prezi offer any tem­plates or starting points?

Prezi pro­vides a broad selec­tion of tem­plates and starting points to help you get off to the right start with your pre­sen­ta­tion. Whether you are a beginner or an expe­ri­enced pre­senter, you can be sure that they have the resources to help you make a com­pelling and engaging pre­sen­ta­tion. With a little bit of effort and cre­ativity, you can create a pre­sen­ta­tion that is sure to grab the atten­tion of your audience.

Is Prezi acces­sible for indi­vid­uals with disabilities?

The Prezi devel­opers pri­or­i­tize sim­plicity and acces­si­bility. They target people who create pre­sen­ta­tions occa­sion­ally and want to sur­prise their audi­ence with a new way of pre­senting a topic. The Prezi graph­ical user inter­face (GUI) is clean and simple, with big but­tons and read­able type. It doesn’t have stan­dard­ized options for people with dis­abil­i­ties. How­ever, since Prezi works mainly via the web browser, users have a lot of freedom to alter the pre­sen­ta­tion app’s visual look. For example, there are Chrome exten­sions that modify the appear­ance of a web page to make it acces­sible to almost anyone.

Due to the variety of dis­abil­i­ties, I cannot give a gen­eral rec­om­men­da­tion to use this soft­ware. Prezi requires users to think dif­fer­ently about how to create a pre­sen­ta­tion and visu­ally com­mu­ni­cate their topic. This so-called Prezi mindset might also be chal­lenging for those without a dis­ability. With the right indi­vid­u­al­ized training pro­gram, I’m sure everyone can under­stand Prezi and incor­po­rate it into their com­mu­ni­ca­tions. If you need advice or an indi­vidual Prezi training, please get in touch with me.

Can I use Prezi offline?

Prezi does not have an offline mode and requires an active internet con­nec­tion to access and uti­lize the fea­tures of the plat­form. This can be incon­ve­nient for those who do not have an always-on con­nec­tion, or for those who prefer to work offline. Addi­tion­ally, Prezi cannot be used to store or edit large files or mul­ti­media, as the plat­form is designed to work pri­marily online. For these rea­sons, while Prezi is a great tool for pre­sen­ta­tions, it may not be the best option for those looking for more com­plex editing capabilities.

The Prezi Desktop app allows you to work offline for a period of time before needing to syn­chro­nize your pre­sen­ta­tion. This is ideal for those with an unre­li­able internet connection.

Can I pass­word-pro­tect my Prezi presentation?

As of today, you cannot make your pre­sen­ta­tion inac­ces­sible to other people, how­ever, this might not be nec­es­sary. Prezi has algo­rithms that link every pre­sen­ta­tion to your user account, so nobody else can access it unless you share the pre­sen­ta­tion with them. It is almost impos­sible for someone to find your pre­sen­ta­tion via a direct URL search, because when you create a view link to share with people who don’t have a Prezi account, Prezi gen­er­ates a random link pattern.

This way, you can ensure that your pre­sen­ta­tion remains as pri­vate as you want it to be, as you can reset the links at any time, making your pre­sen­ta­tion com­pletely pri­vate again. In this way, Prezi offers a safe and secure way to keep your pre­sen­ta­tion pri­vate, while also allowing you to easily share it with those who you wish to access it.

Can I col­lab­o­rate with others on a Prezi presentation?

Yes, Prezi pro­vides a wide range of col­lab­o­ra­tion func­tions that make it easy for you to work with other people on a pre­sen­ta­tion simul­ta­ne­ously. These fea­tures are incred­ibly useful, as they enable you to review changes, give feed­back, and make adjust­ments to the pre­sen­ta­tion as a whole in real-time. In addi­tion, these col­lab­o­ra­tion tools help to create a more effi­cient work­flow, allowing you to get more done in a shorter amount of time. Ulti­mately, this makes for a smoother, more stream­lined expe­ri­ence when working with others on a presentation.

Can I import existing pre­sen­ta­tions into Prezi?

This depends on what you mean by importing. Prezi offers a Pow­er­Point import func­tion, but it imports every slide of your Pow­er­Point as a static image. You cannot edit it in Prezi after­ward. Same counts for a PDF file.

Alter­na­tively, you can copy and paste text from other pre­sen­ta­tion soft­ware like Microsoft Pow­er­Point or Apple Keynote into Prezi. This makes the task of building a pre­sen­ta­tion much easier, as you can quickly transfer the existing con­tent into Prezi without having to man­u­ally recreate it.

Addi­tion­ally, you can use Prezi’s existing library of tem­plates to cus­tomize the look and feel of your pre­sen­ta­tion. This makes cre­ating a stun­ning pre­sen­ta­tion even easier, as you can quickly and easily cus­tomize the visuals to suit your needs.

Is Prezi the right tool for us?

It’s hard to say without knowing more about you and your pre­sen­ta­tion needs. Prezi’s target audi­ence is broad and varied, com­posed of people who are looking for a new and exciting way to present their topics. This includes both busi­ness pro­fes­sionals and indi­vid­uals alike. If you or your team have been searching for a way to make your pre­sen­ta­tion stand out and really cap­ture your audi­ence’s atten­tion, then Prezi might be an ideal option.

Prezi’s unique approach to pre­sen­ta­tion design allows you to explore your topic in a cre­ative and inter­ac­tive way, helping to ensure your mes­sage is heard and remem­bered. With a wide range of fea­tures and cus­tomiza­tion options, you can create an engaging and pow­erful pre­sen­ta­tion that will leave a lasting impression.

Check out the page Prezi in Your Com­pany and use the free ini­tial assess­ment to fur­ther inves­ti­gate whether Prezi is the right fit for your needs.

How do I start a Prezi?

Many people start their Prezi pre­sen­ta­tion by cre­ating a new one from the dash­board. They select a tem­plate and begin writing their infor­ma­tion into topics, allowing them to think and struc­ture on the fly. How­ever, if you want to give your­self more time to refine your pre­sen­ta­tion before cre­ating the visual aid, I rec­om­mend taking a dif­ferent approach.

You can create an out­line of your Prezi in advance. Prezi is sim­ilar to a mind map con­cep­tu­ally, with each of the related words becoming Planet and Stack topics. This allows you to quickly edit the flow of the pre­sen­ta­tion before cre­ating the visual aid. To max­i­mize effi­ciency during the out­lining process, I rec­om­mend using a tool like X‑Mind. It works great as a pre-pro­duc­tion tool and makes col­lab­o­rating with other people easier than ever. By taking the time to create an out­line before you begin cre­ating your pre­sen­ta­tion, you can ensure that your pre­sen­ta­tion will be orga­nized, pro­fes­sional, and engaging.

How do I save a Prezi presentation?

Your Prezi pre­sen­ta­tions are auto­mat­i­cally saved to the cloud, which means you can access them from any­where in the world. Whether you’re at home, work, or on the go, you can easily access your pre­sen­ta­tions with just a few clicks. You can access your pre­sen­ta­tions on your com­puter, laptop, tablet, or even your mobile phone. This makes it easy to stay on top of work and col­lab­o­rate with col­leagues wher­ever you are.

The auto-save fea­ture is nothing short of amazing, and it can be a life­saver when your com­puter crashes or expe­ri­ences a tech­nical issue. It can save you a lot of time and hassle, keeping your work safe and secure and pre­venting you from having to start all over again. With an auto-save fea­ture, you can simply pick up where you left off, without having to worry about lost infor­ma­tion or data. It’s an indis­pens­able tool for anyone who works with com­puters on a reg­ular basis.

How do I cus­tomize the look of my Prezi presentation?

Sure, you can cus­tomize the basic look and feel of your Prezi within the Theme Editor. This is sim­ilar to Pow­er­Point, but with a few less options avail­able. It allows you to change the color scheme, back­ground, and font style. You can even cus­tomize the back­ground to include your own images or photos, giving your pre­sen­ta­tion a per­sonal touch and inter­esting effect. Fur­ther­more, you can use the Theme Editor to make subtle changes such as adjusting the font or colors of your text to make sure your pre­sen­ta­tion is per­fectly read­able, even at a later point in time.

How do I add mul­ti­media to a Prezi presentation?

You can easily add mul­ti­media ele­ments to your Prezi pre­sen­ta­tion to make it more engaging and visu­ally appealing. Using the media uploader, you can upload images, videos, and audio files directly to the pre­sen­ta­tion. Alter­na­tively, you can also insert a hyper­link to an external source for mul­ti­media con­tent. This allows you to use mul­ti­media ele­ments from a wide range of sources, giving you greater flex­i­bility and choice when cre­ating your presentation.

Is it pos­sible to ani­mate objects in Prezi?

Well, yes and no. Unfor­tu­nately, Prezi does not have ani­ma­tion capa­bil­i­ties like Pow­er­Point does. Objects such as images or text ele­ments can only be faded in and out. You can’t make them move. How­ever, you can make the Prezi vir­tual camera move. This way, you can zoom in and out of an image or pan across the scene. These camera ani­ma­tions are very easy to do and are quite enjoy­able. Addi­tion­ally, you can add sound effects and music to fur­ther enhance the expe­ri­ence. With Prezi, you can create an engaging and dynamic pre­sen­ta­tion that will cap­ture the atten­tion of your audi­ence, even though it does not offer object-level animations.

Can I add inter­ac­tive ele­ments to my Prezi presentation?

Prezi’s dynamic pre­sen­ta­tion struc­ture is invalu­able in allowing pre­sen­ters to tailor the flow of their pre­sen­ta­tion to the audi­ence’s needs – on the fly. This is par­tic­u­larly useful for pre­sen­ter­less pre­sen­ta­tions, such as when a Prezi is shared with someone else or embedded on a web­site for vis­i­tors to explore without the need for a pre­senter to guide them. By giving users the freedom to nav­i­gate to the infor­ma­tion they’re inter­ested in, Prezi is a great tool for allowing users to engage with your con­tent in their own way.

How­ever, it is worth noting that Prezi has yet to inte­grate polls, quizzes, or com­mu­ni­ca­tion with third-party apps. This means that, for the time being, users must make do with the cur­rent level of inter­ac­tivity, which may not always be enough for a fully inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence. While it is unfor­tu­nate that Prezi has not yet inte­grated these fea­tures, those who wish to create an engaging pre­sen­ta­tion should not be dis­cour­aged from using it.

How do I add music to my Prezi presentation?

You can add music or sound to your Prezi pre­sen­ta­tion via the Insert tab, then selecting “Audio”. For each Planet topic or page within a Stack topic, you can have one audio file playing. This audio file auto­mat­i­cally starts playing when you nav­i­gate to it. You can even add back­ground music to the entire pre­sen­ta­tion by going to the Overview and importing an audio file there.

This fea­ture is great for adding a voiceover to your slides, turning your Prezi into an autonomous pre­sen­ta­tion. With Prezi Video, you can create a neat explainer video with min­imal budget.

I acci­den­tally deleted my Prezi. How to restore it?

Unfor­tu­nately, Prezi doesn’t have a trash folder like many other appli­ca­tions, which means that once you delete your Prezi, it’s gone for good. If you find your­self in this sit­u­a­tion, don’t worry! There is still hope.

You can reach out to the Prezi sup­port team and ask if they can restore your pre­sen­ta­tion. I have done this before, and was able to suc­cess­fully get my Prezi back. To make the process smoother and to increase your chances of suc­cess, try to remember the exact date you deleted it. This will help the sup­port team to quickly locate the deleted Prezi and restore it for you. So don’t hes­i­tate to reach out to the sup­port team and ask for help. Good luck!

Working in Prezi

You already bought Prezi and now want to know how it works? Then this sec­tion is for you!

Advanced Prezi Knowledge

This col­lec­tion of ques­tions and answers is for everyone who already is able to con­fi­dently create Prezi pre­sen­ta­tions and looks for fur­ther infor­ma­tion.

How to add custom fonts?

Prezi gives everyone access to a huge col­lec­tion of Google fonts. How­ever, not every single font is listed and not every style is avail­able. Many styles that could inter­fere with read­ability are excluded from the Prezi font col­lec­tion, par­tic­u­larly thinner font styles. But what about fonts that are not listed?

Adding custom fonts in Prezi is only avail­able with a pre­mium sub­scrip­tion. With it, you can upload font files stored on your hard drive into the Prezi brand kits, which is almost like a theme builder. Although this fea­ture is a great addi­tion to the Prezi toolset, it is very lim­ited and might dis­ap­point typog­raphy enthu­si­asts. For the broader audi­ence and non-designers, how­ever, this fea­ture is a neat way to add more of your com­pa­ny’s spirit to the presentation.

If you want to rebuild unique typo­graphic arrange­ments 1:1 from other mar­keting media to Prezi, you may have to insert these com­po­si­tions as an image file or PDF into Prezi. This will pre­vent any type of mod­i­fi­ca­tion to the text once it is inside Prezi, but it is a valid alter­na­tive for static content.

Can’t find your question?

The PRE­SEN­TAILOR Prezi FAQ wants to become a great resource for all inter­ested in Prezi. You would not only help your­self by adding your ques­tion and the answer to the FAQ above but would do everyone else a great ser­vice. Please fill out the con­tact form below, to get your Prezi ques­tion answered.

By sub­mit­ting your ques­tion, you con­sent with the Pri­vacy Policy.