The Bespoke Process

The mag­ical thread of the bespoke expe­ri­ence is you and your com­pany. Together we set out on a journey exploring cre­ative pre­sen­ta­tion solu­tions, making you feel con­fi­dent on stage while rep­re­senting your company’s spirit.

Choosing the right ser­vice for you

Every project comes with dif­ferent needs, and so do you. The PRE­SEN­TAILOR Golden Thread for­mula is a process offering the per­fect bal­ance between a proven, suc­cessful design pat­tern and your indi­vidual demands.


Your Ini­tial Consultation

Your bespoke journey begins with a con­ver­sa­tion. I would like to get to know your desires and needs. The out­come will guide future design deci­sions and ensures a per­fect fit.

Book a vir­tual meeting

Set­ting the Scene

If we both think that your project could ben­efit from my ser­vices, we will set the scene for your bespoke pre­sen­ta­tion and plan the weeks ahead.


A per­fect fit means sev­eral fit­ting stages. The first pre­sen­ta­tion drafts paint a pic­ture of what will be. It is of great impor­tance that we both test these pro­to­types on a reg­ular basis. Just by looking at a pair of scis­sors, we can’t tell how well it cuts.


Until we get to the final fit­ting, all design ele­ments are being sewn together into a mag­ical expe­ri­ence. Your bespoke pre­sen­ta­tion is ready to go on a won­derful journey with you. Bon voyage!


The bespoke pre­sen­ta­tion design ser­vice does not simply end at delivery. I will check in with you sev­eral weeks later to ensure you are com­pletely sat­is­fied. I am happy to hear from your first adven­tures on stage.

What are you waiting for?

Get the Bespoke Expe­ri­ence now and let us make a vir­tual appoint­ment by clicking on the button below.