Prezi Con­sulting

Prezi in your com­pany?

Many com­pa­nies want to opti­mize their sales processes and think that their out­dated, dull Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tions are hin­dering them from gen­er­ating new sales. As a result, they not only seek out experts to make their Pow­er­Points more sales-friendly, but also often con­sider alter­na­tives. When searching for Pow­er­Point alter­na­tives on the web, one quickly comes across the pre­sen­ta­tion plat­form Prezi, released in 2009.

Over the years, the tool has devel­oped from a nice gim­mick to an attrac­tive plat­form solu­tion that sup­ports many com­pa­nies world­wide in selling their prod­ucts and services.

Could Prezi be the right choice for you in the future?

Find it out with the free ini­tial assess­ment fur­ther down this page or check out the Prezi FAQ.


Are you asking the right questions?

If you’ve been spell­bound by a Prezi at an event or have been mes­mer­ized by the moti­va­tional head­lines on, you’re prob­ably asking your­self a lot of questions:

How much does Prezi cost?

Where can I book a Prezi workshop?
How do I create a “wow” effect?

Can Prezi be useful for our com­pany or project?


What require­ments do we have to meet?

Pow­er­Point and Prezi. Either, or?


What are the next steps?

Get answers with a free ini­tial assess­ment, or view the Prezi FAQ. You can also book a bespoke con­sul­ta­tion to assess your unique sit­u­a­tion and deter­mine if and how Prezi can con­tribute to success.

Find out if Prezi is the right fit for you.

Free ini­tial assessment

With the help of our inter­ac­tive and free Prezi Ini­tial Assess­ment, we’d like to pro­vide you with con­cise, per­son­al­ized infor­ma­tion rel­e­vant to your com­pa­ny’s deci­sion-making process.

Please take a few min­utes to answer the ques­tions below. Upon com­ple­tion, you’ll receive an email with a rec­om­men­da­tion, infor­ma­tion, and addi­tional resources to help you get started with Prezi.

Do you have addi­tional com­ments or questions?
Please enter your e‑mail address. You will receive a rough ini­tial assess­ment by e‑mail.
By clicking on “Eval­uate”, you simul­ta­ne­ously signal your agree­ment with the pri­vacy policy.

Bespoke Con­sulting

If you feel that your deci­sion-making could ben­efit from a per­sonal con­sul­ta­tion, please book a vir­tual appointment.