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From Brain­storm to Board­room: Pitching your idea

Mar 13, 2023 | Presentation, Public Speaking

You’ve had a bril­liant idea for a new product, ser­vice, or project, and you’re eager to pitch it to your team or stake­holders. But how do you go about pre­senting your idea in a way that will con­vince others of its value and via­bility? With the right prepa­ra­tion and approach, you can effec­tively com­mu­ni­cate the value of your idea and per­suade others to sup­port it.

Here’s how:

Clearly define your idea

Before you start pitching your idea, it’s impor­tant to have a clear and con­cise expla­na­tion of what it is and what it does. Think about the problem that your idea solves, and how it will ben­efit your audi­ence. Be sure to antic­i­pate any ques­tions or con­cerns that your audi­ence may have, and have answers or solu­tions ready.

Know your audience

Under­standing who you will be pitching your idea to is essen­tial for tai­loring your pre­sen­ta­tion to their needs and expec­ta­tions. Con­sider the deci­sion-making power, inter­ests, and pri­or­i­ties of your audi­ence, and how your idea aligns with them. This will help you to craft a more per­sua­sive and rel­e­vant pitch.

Pre­pare a strong and com­pelling opening

The first few sec­onds of your pitch are cru­cial for grab­bing your audi­ence’s atten­tion and set­ting the tone for the rest of your pre­sen­ta­tion. Con­sider starting with a provoca­tive ques­tion, an intriguing sta­tistic, or a com­pelling story that relates to your idea. The goal is to engage your audi­ence and get them inter­ested in your idea from the start.

Set the stage

Pre­senting an idea at the wrong time and place can hinder its chances of suc­cess. The set­ting in which you pitch your idea is cru­cial for its suc­cess, as it can sig­nif­i­cantly affect the recep­tive­ness of your audience.

In his book “Pre-Sua­sion,” Robert Cial­dini dis­cusses the con­cept of pre-sua­sion, which involves focusing peo­ple’s atten­tion on spe­cific things before attempting to per­suade them. By doing so, you can increase the chances of your pitch being suc­cessful. To achieve the desired response, it is impor­tant to con­sider the state of mind of your audi­ence and choose a set­ting that aligns with it.

When deciding on a set­ting for your pitch, con­sider fac­tors such as the level of dis­trac­tions and the schedule of your audi­ence. For example, a quiet set­ting with min­imal dis­trac­tions may be more con­ducive to a suc­cessful pitch than one that is crowded and noisy. Try to get infor­ma­tion on your atten­dee’s sched­ules. Is it full of meet­ings, chances are that you have a hard time pre­suading them. Why not order some food and pitch while your audi­ence is enjoying their meal?

If the set­ting cannot be con­ducive to a suc­cessful pitch, it may be best to post­pone the meeting to a more suit­able time and place.

Be flex­ible and responsive

Even with the best prepa­ra­tion, there may be unex­pected ques­tions or chal­lenges that arise during your pitch. Be pre­pared to adapt and respond to your audi­ence in a timely and thoughtful manner. Don’t be afraid to ask for feed­back or clar­i­fi­ca­tion, or to adjust your pitch based on the needs or con­cerns of your audience.

Bottom line

With the right prepa­ra­tion and approach, you can effec­tively com­mu­ni­cate the value of your idea and per­suade others to sup­port it. By fol­lowing these steps, you can take your idea from the brain­storming stage to the board­room, and turn it into a reality.

Thank you for reading.

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