Facts vs. Emotions

Jan 1, 2023 | Thought

In public speaking, you often hear that you should include both facts and emo­tions (sto­ry­telling) in your speeches. To appeal to dif­ferent types of per­son­al­i­ties. But don’t facts also trigger emo­tions? “Today will be the hottest day of the year” might trigger joy in some lis­teners because they want to spend the after­noon at the beach. Others are not so happy about it because they have to work out­side. So does a fact create its own story with each person in the audi­ence as the pro­tag­o­nist? Wouldn’t it be much more dif­fi­cult for us as speakers to con­trol these indi­vidual sto­ries to trigger the emo­tional response we intend?