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Standing out. And then?

Many companies want their presentations to stand out. Standing out is great. But then what? What happens when you are in the spotlight for a brief moment? When the room is silent and all eyes are on...

Standing out. And then?

Many companies want their presentations to stand out. Standing out is great. But then what? What happens when you are in the spotlight for a brief moment? When the room is silent and all eyes are on...

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Facts vs. Emotions

Facts vs. Emotions

In public speaking, you often hear that you should include both facts and emotions (storytelling) in your speeches. To appeal to different types of personalities. But don't facts also trigger...

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Small Audi­ence = Less Pathos?

Small Audi­ence = Less Pathos?

The bigger the audience, the more pathos is accepted and even demanded. So does it mean the smaller the audience, the less pathos we should integrate into our speech? Could we pull off an “I have a...

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Impor­tance of Visual Information

Impor­tance of Visual Information

To market their presentation tool, Prezi uses the fact that 90% of all information we take in comes through our eyes. Does a beautiful font persuade you more than a soothing voice? A simple chart...

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The Dark­ness between Slides

The Dark­ness between Slides

Music is the silence between the notes. On stage, it's the pauses that make our speeches special. Only our presentations intermittently light up the room. Here's a crazy hypothesis: Presentations...

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Does size really matter?

Does size really matter?

When designing presentation slides, we usually never care about the screen size on location. True to the motto “One size fits all”. But does it really? Does a PowerPoint in a conference room on a...

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