Pre­sen­ta­tion Design

Bespoke Pre­sen­ta­tions

Your pre­sen­ta­tion is your company’s gar­ment.
It makes an impres­sion. Let us make it outstanding.

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For every occasion


Com­pany, pitch, or sales pre­sen­ta­tions help you sell your prod­ucts or ser­vices. It is a key factor to your company’s sur­viv­ability. Let us turn slides into deals.


Whether it is the new-years-kick-off or a product launch – spe­cial events require spe­cial pre­sen­ta­tions. Is your event special?


Everyone is tired of Teams & Zoom meet­ings. How about we change that? Ever heard about Prezi Video?

The Process

The mag­ical thread of the bespoke expe­ri­ence is you and your com­pany. Together we set out on a journey exploring cre­ative pre­sen­ta­tion solu­tions, making you feel con­fi­dent on stage while rep­re­senting your company’s spirit.

What are your measures?

Pre­sen­ta­tions are your company’s gar­ments. There­fore, not only choosing the right fabric but also taking the right mea­sure­ments is cru­cial. Your com­pany pre­sen­ta­tion is a tool of many needs. And many people need dif­ferent things. The gar­ment must be flex­ible enough to allow every person pre­senting with it a com­fort­able fit while weaving a first-class expe­ri­ence for your audi­ence. A bespoke pre­sen­ta­tion is not only dif­ferent, but it makes a difference.

A pow­erful arsenal


More and more com­pa­nies are adding Prezi to their com­mu­ni­ca­tion arsenal. Let me show you why so many busi­nesses have fallen in love with this pre­sen­ta­tion tool.


Pow­er­Point is the most com­pre­hen­sive pre­sen­ta­tion tool on the market. Before looking for another tool to impress with, we should stretch the pos­si­bil­i­ties with the one you already know.


The prin­ci­ples of the Bespoke Method are not depen­dent on a spe­cific pre­sen­ta­tion tool. It does not matter what soft­ware you use. Let us get in touch and see how your tool can ben­efit from the custom-tai­lored pre­sen­ta­tion design experience.

Bespoke Ser­vice

During the design process, I will men­tally become part of your com­pany. Only by seeing the world through your eyes, I can make mean­ingful decisions.

Fixed Price

Some say a bespoke pre­sen­ta­tion is invalu­able, but for you, I make an excep­tion. Your pre­sen­ta­tion comes with a clear price tag. Why should you carry the risk?


Your pre­sen­ta­tions will be woven with the expe­ri­ence of hun­dreds of com­pany, sales, and event presentations.

Change starts with a simple cut click

Are you ready for the Bespoke Expe­ri­ence? Let us start with your Ini­tial Con­sulting and build the foun­da­tion for your custom-tai­lored presentation.

Pre­sen­ta­tion Training

Become a Tailor

Check out the Blog to find out more about the world of bespoke pre­sen­ta­tions, become a tailor your­self by booking a webinar, or sub­scribe to the Newsletter.

Struc­ture your Pre­sen­ta­tion with a Haiku

A good pre­sen­ta­tion is not only about what infor­ma­tion we share, but how we share it. A well-struc­tured pre­sen­ta­tion can make all the dif­fer­ence in engaging and informing your audi­ence. One uncon­ven­tional yet effec­tive way to struc­ture a pre­sen­ta­tion is by using the…

Arranging Topics in Prezi

Prezi gives us the flex­i­bility to arrange our topics visu­ally as we like. There are graph­ical com­po­si­tions that require exactly this kind of freedom. But unfor­tu­nately, some­times these dynamic lay­outs can lead to some unin­tended side effects. The danger: Losing our…

Public Speaking: The first steps to become a con­fi­dent speaker

There will come the time when we have to speak in front of other people. When all eyes are on us. And everyone is lis­tening intensely to what comes out of our mouths. If you are like many others, the pos­sible image of you speaking in front of a group of people might…

From Brain­storm to Board­room: Pitching your idea

You’ve had a bril­liant idea for a new product, ser­vice, or project, and you’re eager to pitch it to your team or stake­holders. But how do you go about pre­senting your idea in a way that will con­vince others of its value and via­bility? With the right prepa­ra­tion and…

30 sec­onds: A cap­ti­vating start for your speech

As a public speaker, you only have a few sec­onds to cap­ture your audi­ence’s atten­tion and set the tone for your entire pre­sen­ta­tion. This means that the way you start your speech is cru­cial to its suc­cess. In this blog post, we’ll explore some strate­gies for making a…

No time to pre­pare? 4 tips for your next impromptu speech!

Have you ever found your­self in a sit­u­a­tion where you had to give an impromptu speech, but your mind went blank, and you couldn’t think of any­thing to say? Giving an impromptu speech can be a scary expe­ri­ence that many people dread. How­ever, with a bit of prac­tice and…

How to end your speech with a bang

The end of a speech is just as impor­tant as the begin­ning. It’s your chance to leave a lasting impres­sion on your audi­ence and drive home your key points. A strong finish can help you end on a high note and keep your audi­ence engaged until the very end. So how can you…

From Monolog to Dialog – audi­ence inter­ac­tion in presentations

Deliv­ering a pre­sen­ta­tion can be intim­i­dating, espe­cially if you’re con­cerned about main­taining the interest of your audi­ence. One way to over­come this chal­lenge is by involving your audi­ence in the pre­sen­ta­tion. This can make the expe­ri­ence more inter­ac­tive and…

The top 5 pre­sen­ta­tion design mis­takes you are prob­ably making

If you’ve ever given a pre­sen­ta­tion, you know how impor­tant it is to have a well-designed slide deck. A visu­ally appealing pre­sen­ta­tion can help you engage your audi­ence, convey your mes­sage more effec­tively, and even boost your cred­i­bility. On the other hand, a…

From the Desk to the Stage – Dress appropriately!

When pre­senting your­self to an audi­ence, the way you dress can be one of the most pow­erful tools for making a good first impres­sion. Your clothing choices should reflect your pro­fes­sion­alism, but also reflect who you are and what you are trying to convey to your…